Interested in Becoming a Supplier?

We’re always seeking compelling and innovative products to promote through our 100+ sales and distribution centers. Berlin Packaging currently supplies the following products to end customers in a wide array of industries:
Plastic bottles & jars
Glass bottles & jars
Metal cans & tins
Caps & closures
Dispensing systems
Thermoform trays
Flexible pouches

Ensuring Quality, Stability, and Profitability

When evaluating suppliers, we look for companies with the following criteria:
Understand our business needs
Manufacture high quality products
Possess clear competitive advantages
Have documented quality-improvement processes
Provide access to key management and support personnel
Supply product training and samples for sales and marketing
Are financially sound
Deliver product on time
Provide swift response to all requests

Contact Us to
Become a Supplier

Please feel free to contact us and we will get back to you as soon as possible!

    100+ years of experience in the packaging industry.



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